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Surrey Advertiser League
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West Surrey League (Men)
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Tuesday Triples League
External Club Competitions Results
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VIDEO - Selecting Lawn Bowls
VIDEO - Making Lawn Bowls
VIDEOS - Coaching by Bowls NZ
Common Faults
The Draw Shot
Controlled Weight Shot
Run Shot
Bookham Bowling Club Photo Galleries
Once again Tyrrells Wood Golf Club hosted our Presentation Evening during which the successes in this year's internal competitions were celebrated.
Presentation Evening 2024
The variable weather of summer 2024 peeled away to provide 2 days of warmth suitable for a Finals occasion which demonstrated some excellent and enjoyable bowling.
Finals Weekend 2024
12 enthusiastic new bowlers got to know each other and experienced a really good afternoon's bowling in a competitive but friendly atmosphere. After 5, four end matches each, every team won at least one match whilst three teams shared 2nd place on 6 points. The worthy winners, with 8 points, were Jackie Collett and Rabb Banister.
Beginner's Trophy 2024
The pavilion was given to the Club by local resident Herbert Allen in 1933 and served us well in recent years as an equipment store. Structural movement was noticed on the 30th August 2024 which progressed to a sudden collapse in the early hours of Monday 2nd September 2024.
Our 90 year Old Pavilion
A pleasant surprise to start the President's Day for Janice Begent when an honour party from the Surrey County Women's Bowling Association came onto the green: Pam Lawrence, President; Sheron Mitchell, Past President and Charlotte Emanuel, President Elect for 2025 Pam Lawrence made a perfect speech honouring Janice's 28 years plus of service to her club & Bowls. Pam then presented her with a Certificate of a 'Loyal Service Award'.
President's Day 2024
An occasion for our financial supporter, Evans Hart, to enjoy a game of bowls on their corporate 'awayday'.
Evans Hart Day 2024
'My time for Young Carers' is based around Mole Valley, Epsom, and Ewell. It is a small charity which supports young people caring for members of their family.
Charity Day 2024
The windows and doors to the old pavilion were replaced to ensure that a weathertight building is retained in accordance with our lease obligations.
Old Pavilion Upgrade 2023
At Tyrrell's Wood Golf Club, Leatherhead
Presentation Dinner 2023
The 1st October saw the last match of the season in the fun environment of Ringo.
Closing Drive 2023
An opportunity for members to bring their family, young and not so young, to the bowling green and give the game a try.
Family Day 2023
The rain peeled away to give us 2 warm days to bring the 2023 internal competitions to their climax. Congratulations to the winners and well done to the runners up.
Finals Weekend 2023
Saturday 12th August was the day of celebration with a Club photo, a game of Bookham inspired 'Ringo' and celebration cake washed down with Prosecco.
90th Anniversary Day
An internal competition played in the Australian Pairs format.
Fortescue Australian Pairs 2023
An afternoon to celebrate and thank our President, but one unfortunately curtailed by rain.
President's Day 2023
An afternoon of fun bowling to provide Evans Hart, Independent Financial Advisers, with a corporate opportunity for bonding and for Bookham BC to say thank you to Evans Hart for their financial support.
Evans Hart Day 10th July 2023
A day when Reigate Priory, Cuddington, Albury, Pippbrook, Leatherhead and Merrow Bowls Clubs competed against each other and against 6 Bookham teams over 36 ends separated by a ploughman's lunch and mid afternoon break. The event was completed with a 2 course dinner during which the winners were announced: - Cuddington BC won for the visitors - Janice Begent, Alan Searle, Chris Middleton & Jo Shaw won for Bookham
Bookham Invitation Day 2023
The 'have-a-go' bowling alley was put to good use throughout the day as bowlers and non bowlers alike took up the challenge.
Bookham Village Day 2023
For the 90th Anniversary - Sunday 11th June 2023
Surrey County Celebration Match
Ladies Captain's Charity - Leatherhead & District Scouts
Charity Day 2023
On Monday 8th May to celebrate the coronation of King Charles III
A Carolean Celebration 2023
Opening the 90th Anniversary Year
Opening Drive 2023
Our Annual Dinner and Prize Giving was again held at Tyrrells Wood Golf Club in Leatherhead. After a splendid meal, trophies for each of the internal competitions played out over Finals Weekend were presented to the winners.
Presentation Dinner 2022
Our president Janice Begent organised an excellent afternoon of bowling in the September sunshine before an equally enjoyable meal.
President's Day 2022
This year's Charity Day was held in aid of Shooting Star Children's Hospices with side stalls and a fancy dress competition before a game of bowls.
Charity Day 2022
Once again we contributed to this community event by holding a bowling challenge for young and old, small and large in support of the Old Barn Hall.
Bookham Village Day 2022
The culmination of the internal competitions was played out in warm dry weather over the weekend of September 3rd & 4th. Congratulations to winners and those who came second having fought your way to the finals.
Finals Weekend 2022
At the end of a successful outdoor season, the Club held its Closing Drive in sunshine mixed with rain showers. The double rainbow over the east end of the green provided a fitting backdrop.
Closing Drive 2021
A weekend at the Dorset Bowls Resort, Bere Regis in November 2019
Dorset Bowls Resort 2019
The culmination of 4 months of club competitions.
Finals Weekend 2019
A day when our President, Richard Wilson, ably supported by his wife, Maschi, invited Club members to an afternoon of bowling followed by a sumptuous meal in the pavilion.
President's Day 2019
An occasion when Bookham Bowling Club invites participation from neighbouring organisations. Leatherhead Swans were again victorious.
Disability Day 2019
An internal competition played in the Australian Pairs format and won this year by Patrice Tring and Tony Moore.
Fortescue Pairs 2019
A charity day held in support of Riding for the Disabled.
Charity Day 2019
Several members travelled to Bere Regis over the second weekend in November 2018 for a celebratory French Evening and games of bowls
A Weekend at the Dorset Bowls Resort
The Presentation Dinner was held at Thatcher's Hotel, East Horsley on Friday 19th October, when after a meal, winners and runners-up in our internal leagues and competitions were presented with their respective prizes.
Presentation Dinner 2018
The Closing Drive & American Supper on Sunday 30th September
Closing Drive 2018
The annual afternoon set aside for our friends from Swans, Puffins, Elmgrove and Crawley was again conducted in warm sunshine and enjoyed by all. This year saw another overall win for the Leatherhead Swans.
Disability Day 2018
President Richard Wilson and his wife Maschi organised a variety of bowling formats for us to enjoy followed by a delicious meal all in the heat of an August Saturday.
President's Day 2018
Competing for the 2018 Australian Pairs trophies were 36 ladies and gents teamed up to try and balance the handicaps. Despite the summer heat, the afternoon was enjoyed by all, especially those new to the game who experienced a match from both the lead and skip positions.
Australian Pairs 2018
Bookham Bowling Club had a stall comprising a slightly sloping green encouraging visitors to bowl onto yellow jacks placed in each of 4 holes. Badges, pens and sweets were the prizes. Some 200 people queued up for what was a very busy few hours. Now a few more Bookham residents know who we are, where we are located and indeed some showed interest in trying bowling on a proper green.
Bookham Village Day 2018
A May Bank Holiday weekend event offering side shows, some social bowling and a meal, all in aid of the Princess Alice Hospice, Esher. Over £600 was raised on the day and will form part of the overall donation to the hospice planned after the end of the season.
Charity Fun Day 2018
A Club competition for the Fortescue Trophy
Australian Pairs 2011
A professional photo from a drone in November 2017
BBC Green from the Air
After a few years resting this event was superbly repeated with some robust illumination to delight 36 keen bowlers as the daylight faded through dusk into darkness on a cool but dry Saturday evening; this was followed by a welcome spread of bangers and mash.
Twilight Bowls 2017
A memorable day held in glorious sunshine to celebrate the last of President Tessa's 4 years before she hands over to a new president.
President's Day 2017
The annual Australian Pairs Competition was held on Sunday 2nd July for the coveted Fortescue Trophy, won this year by Richard Sealy and Janet Anoyrkatis.
Australian Pairs 2017
An afternoon of sideshows and bowling in what proved to be a wet afternoon which curtailed the bowling but not the excellent meal to round off the event.
Fun Day 2017
Against Godalming & Farncombe on Tuesday 16th May
Men's National Top Club 2017
Trophy presentations on Saturday & Sunday 3rd & 4th September, some of which were forced inside because of heavy rain ending the first day.
Finals Days 2016
The 2016 Mole Valley Cup Final was played against Epsom on Ashtead BC's neutral ground. Both rinks had some tense moments and took the result to the wire, with one rink level and the other rink securing one shot on the very last end to give an overall 2 shot lead. Our winning team comprised Bill Shaw, Tony Moore, John Exton, Alan Armitage, Tony Barnes and David Emery. During previous rounds Ron Boileau, Roger Dodds, Keith Tucker and Stefan Lukatschat had contributed to the overall success.
Mole Valley Cup 2016
The inaugural Captain's Triples was held on Saturday 13th August when 12 teams of 3 challenged eachother for the Plate, Bowl and Cup.
Captain's Triples 2016
Men's Invitation Day 9th July 2016 with teams from Albury, Ashtead, Epsom Park, Esher, Newdigate & Oxshott Bowling Clubs
Men's Invitation Day 2016
The winners receiving their trophies on Saturday & Sunday 29th & 30th August.
Finals Day 2015
Ladies Day 1st July 2015 on the hottest day of the year.
Ladies Day 2015
Gala Day 24th May 2015
Gala Day 2015
TLC for the Green was undertaken on 2nd October 2014.
TLC for the Green October 2014
The winners and runners up during the 2014 Finals 30th & 31st August
Finals Weekend 2014
Themed as 'Tea at the Ritz'
Ladies Day 2014
The group photo before the match held at the Arundel Bowling Club on Monday 23rd June. The Ladies won on one rink, drew on 2 rinks and the match was won overall by the Men.
Ladies v Men Match 2014
On December 31st 39 people sat down to an excellent meal organised by Maschi Wilson and Janice Begent followed by dancing to music organised by Lesley Brownsill.
New Year 2014
Celebrations during the annual visit to Potters Leisure Resort, Great Yarmouth where bowling was supplemented by snooker and dancing
Potters Tour 2013
The 2013 season finished early at Bookham Bowling Club to allow for some major refurbishment works to the Green, conducted by R & K Kensett Ltd, to (hopefully) bring it back to its aclaimed status as one of the best in Surrey.
TLC for the Green September 2013
Teams from Albury, Ashtead, East Horsley, Epsom Park, Esher and Leatherhead competed against Bookham teams over 36 ends with the 3rd time winner being Albury.
Men's Invitation Day 2013
The annual match played on Monday 24th June at Arundel Bowling Club with the occasional glimpse of the sun raising the spirits of winners and losers.
Ladies v Men Match 2013
A Club internal celebration with the emphasis on those less fortunate than ourselves - this year the main charity is The Rainbow Trust.
Gala Day 2013
The 2013 season started with the Opening Drive on April 20th in glorious sunshine.
Opening Drive 2013
The Finals Weekend on the 1st and 2nd September
Finals Weekend 2012
A Club competition for the Fortescue Trophy
Australian Pairs 2012
A special afternoon of bowling and celebration in readiness for the London 2012 Olympics
Bookham Olympics Drive 2012
The annual 'battle' of the sexes at Arundel on June 25th 2012
Ladies v Men Match 2012
Queen's Diamond Jubilee Celebration 5th June 2012
Diamond Jubilee Celebration 2012
New Year's Eve party heralding 2012
New Year 2012
Celebrations to mark the wedding of Prince William to Kate Middleton
Royal Wedding 2011
Club competition finals
Finals Day 2011
A charity day
Gala Day 2011 - Help for Heroes
On the Green in 2011 and earlier years
General Play
Club Officers
Club Officers
Stewards Rotas 2024
Trophy Board 2024
Honours Board Index
Brotherhood Trophy
Allen Cup
L. A. White Cup
Saunders Cup
Victoria Cup
Hardisty Trophy
Coronation Cup
McClaren Trophy
Charles Flowers Trophy
Davis Cup
Jubilee Shield
Bennett Cup
Golden Jubilee
Captain's Shield
Fortescue Trophy
Club Triples
Photo Galleries
Guidance for New Bowlers